Sunday 9 November 2008

University Information

Up dated Information
It’s official. After almost 18 months in the planning and after all the negotiating etc, the University Race has now been confirmed. The location at this stage is to be a carefully guarded secret in order that the entrants do not take early stage advantage and test/practice on the site.
We have placed two simple web sites on the internet which provides some information and contact details of contacts etc. They can be found at the following:
We have designed this event with one major rule in place. “To Have Fun”.
There has been a rumour surrounding the circuit that yet more new members to the Board of Control have been appointed, I can’t confirm this to be true at this moment in time. However, as always I can’t honestly deny this either. My suggestion is watch the blogs and new sites and I feel sure you will see an announcement shortly.
Finally, for all those who keep asking for invitations to the viewing of the “Manx GT”, please be patient as we are waiting to confirm up the dates when we are in your location so we can invite you to a point most convenient to you. We haven’t forgot you and we have no desire to pass your details to mailing companies, so you are safe with the knowing we will only provide you with info and not forward your details to others.

Please feel free to view our video

The Team

University Information

Up dated Information
It’s official. After almost 18 months in the planning and after all the negotiating etc, the University Race has now been confirmed. The location at this stage is to be a carefully guarded secret in order that the entrants do not take early stage advantage and test/practice on the site.
We have placed two simple web sites on the internet which provides some information and contact details of contacts etc. They can be found at the following:
We have designed this event with one major rule in place. “To Have Fun”.
There has been a rumour surrounding the circuit that yet more new members to the Board of Control have been appointed, I can’t confirm this to be true at this moment in time. However, as always I can’t honestly deny this either. My suggestion is watch the blogs and new sites and I feel sure you will see an announcement shortly.
Finally, for all those who keep asking for invitations to the viewing of the “Manx GT”, please be patient as we are waiting to confirm up the dates when we are in your location so we can invite you to a point most convenient to you. We haven’t forgot you and we have no desire to pass your details to mailing companies, so you are safe with the knowing we will only provide you with info and not forward your details to others.

The Team

Monday 3 November 2008

Latest News @ F1 Hoverpod

Dispel the Myth
Hi everyone,
We are well on our way to Christmas and I can’t speak for others, but it’s been a longer year than I care to remember. The gossip (notice I don’t say fact) to which surrounds our business as always brings out the gossipers. It’s a pity really that they are not armed with the truth, as they seam to spread the word quicker than just about everyone. The only advice I can say is within reason, if you need to know what’s happening, drop us an e-mail.
The constant request for new web site etc has at last fell upon the right ears, and I can confirm that the instruction to get on with this has gone out and the new site should be available soon. As always, it will be found at
We have some new information for the petrol heads amongst you all and that information can be found at the following:
Power Plant and awards……………………….
Technical Data and Lottery…………………..
We have listened to the suggestion of the club site having it’s own destination and as such this can be found at the following
I’m not sure if you are aware that we have two news sites working, so please feel free to view them at the following:
News site 1……………………………………..
News site 2……………………………………..

We will be posting information on a more regular basis between now and the launch so I advice that you keep an eye on the Blogs and web sites.

All the best.

The Team